I'm on a roll here! I'm really enjoying painting these new ideas in this series ("Life in the Northern Cape"). I was inspired by a photo I took of these two ladies who were walking just outside a town called Christiana as we were driving back to Postmasburg from Jo'burg. I also had to throw in the tree, which is not just any tree, it is a Witgatboom (or for the English translation - the Shepherd Tree) which is a protected species.
I have named this "After the Rain" because of the awesome 'wet' texture and feel my paint and brushes made for the ground area. It looks like it's just rained to me. One of the things of the Groen Kalahari is the beautiful golden light that radiates across God's creation about an hour before the sun sets. I tried to capture that golden hour with the brightly saturated colours. I feel that the bright colours also give the painting a sense and feeling of hope, new beginnings.
Please note that this artwork has been sold.
All content and images copyright © Christy Tempies, 2017. All rights reserved.